Throughout the history of humanity, every civilization has relied upon its own citizens to form the military that protects and preserves its people and their freedoms. Unfortunately the soldiers who have gone to combat, often bring combat back with them--the battle against their minds. Much of what we know about the best therapies for stress and trauma have come from the research done with combat veterans of the post-9/11 middle east conflicts. In a short period of time, PTSD became a household name, and yet so few really understood it. Suicide rates climbed as mental health professionals struggled to determine the best form of help that didn't just address symptoms.

Fortunately, what arose out of these studies was credible evidence of therapies that were working. Trauma focused therapy models were proven through brain scans to reach the cognitive area of the brain where these stressors reside and actually reduce or altogether resolve them over time. These breakthroughs became the difference that allowed many combat veterans to operate a normal life and enjoy their marriage and family life without the invasive debilitation of traumatic memories. Despite the memories still reoccurring, the disruptive power that arrived with them before becomes less disruptive until it is of no disruption at all. Trauma focused therapies can reduce a mental snake bite down to a mosquito bite--while a bite may still occur, we can swat it in annoyance and go on about our day without suffering damage control.

Minding the Badge has been serving our military veterans all along, since as much as 40% of the first responders in any given city are military veterans; however, we would like to provide some specific focus on the military experiences of our veterans that is diverse from the experiences of our other target populations. This new section will contain resources for military veterans who wish to benefit from the same type of Core Resiliency training we teach first responders.

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