Intertwined into the public safety sector are our medical professionals. The heroes in scrubs who often become the final link in the chain of emergency first response. Our physicians, our nurses, our technicians, our forensic examiners, and the support staff that links them all.

As it is with first responders, however, their mission is not accomplished without a price. Aside from the normal challenges of their profession, they too face post-traumatic stress, depression, addiction, and even suicidal influences. Medical professionals exposed to illness, injury, death, or crimes against children have the highest rates of these mental challenges.

Unlike first responders, our medical professionals continue to operate without peer support, incident debriefings, counseling resources, or intervention measures for addiction and suicide. These who exist to rescue others, so often need rescuing themselves.

Minding the Badge is committed to developing curriculum and resources to bridge the gap that has allowed our medical professionals to slip through the cracks. This section will be a place we provide this new service.

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